Category Archives: Iphone Screen Replacement

Why Does An iPhone Screen Replacement Need To Be 100% Accurate?

One of the most important parts of an iPhone repair is the screen replacement part. That’s because the internal framework of the device is complex. But there are various other reasons as well, which we will discuss here to give you an idea. So, whether you are in Point Cook or Werribee, if you have … Continue reading Why Does An iPhone Screen Replacement Need To Be 100% Accurate?

Is It Worth Replacing Your iPhone Screen Rather Than Buying One?

As you step out of your vehicle, your iPhone falls out of your hand or pocket, revealing a cracked screen.  It can be challenging to ignore the issue, even though some people dare to live with the embarrassment of a broken screen. Over time, a tiny crack may widen and make it difficult to use … Continue reading Is It Worth Replacing Your iPhone Screen Rather Than Buying One?